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Portugal Golden Visa 2024

The PORTUGAL Golden Visa allows foreign citizens to obtain residency and later EU citizenship through investment

The Visa D9
Portugal Golden Visa

The holders of the Portugal Golden Visa have a minimal stay requirement. They need to stay in Portugal 14 days, consecutive or non-consecutive, for each 2-year period.

The investment can be in funds, cultural heritage or financial assets like deposits and bonds.

Discover your Golden Visa costs with our calculator >>

The lowest thresholds are 250 thousand Euros for cultural heritage, and 500 thousand Euros for funds.

The applicants should be non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens that have a regular passive income that provides the means to subsist in Portugal.

The first residency card will be issued for 2 years. The second residency card will be issued for 3 years. After 5 years can apply for permanent residency or citizenship.

Cost Calculator

Enter your information below to calculate the costs for the 2024 Portugal Golden Visa and
receive a complete estimate via email.

*This calculator includes optional estimated travel costs for the required trip to Portugal for fingerprint collection

Enter Details Here
Spouse *
How many dependents?
Traveling Costs (optional)
Visa Cost
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Issue of the new residence permit Card
Renewal residence permit Card
Other Costs
TBP Tax Representation
Consultancy fee
Lawyer - Legal Fees Concession
Lawyer - Legal Fees Renewal
Lawyer - Documentation Costs
Traveling Costs
Yearly total
1 Year:
2 Year:
3 Year:
4 Year:
5 Year:
Get the full estimate and additional details in your email!
Enter Details Here
Spouse *
How many dependents?*
Traveling Costs (optional)
Year 1
Visa Cost
Other Costs
Consultancy fee:
Lawyer - Legal Fees Concession
Lawyer - Documentation Costs - (signature certifications):
Yearly total
Year 2
Visa Cost
Issue of the new residence permit Card:
Other Costs
TBP Tax Representation:
Traveling Costs:
Yearly total
Year 3
Other Costs
TBP Tax Representation:
Yearly total
Year 4
Visa Cost
Renewal residence permit Card:
Other Costs
TBP Tax Representation:
Lawyer - Legal Fees Renewal:
Lawyer - Documentation Costs - (signature certifications):
Traveling Costs:
Yearly total
Year 5
Other Costs
TBP Tax Representation:
Yearly total
Get the full estimate and additional details in your email!

‍Benefits - Portugal Golden Visa

The holder of a Portugal Golden Visa residence permit is entitled to:

Access to the Portuguese National Health

Access to the Portuguese National Education

Exercise of any work activity as an independent professional

Access to the Non-Habitual Tax Residence scheme with very favorable tax benefits

Family reunification, allowing spouse, dependents, and parents to live in Portugal

Apply for permanent residency or citizenship after 5 years of residency

Visa-free entry in the Schengen countries

Procedure to Program

The ideal choice for getting a EU passport, residency, and citizenship

The procedure is to present to the Immigration Authorities Office (SEF) the visa request.

The applicant must present the following documentation:

  • Visa application form.
  • Passport and a copy.
  • Valid criminal record certificate. 
  • Marriage certificate in case wants to include the spouse.
  • Birth certificate in case wants to include the children.
  • Proof of the investment, including a declaration from the bank.

‍Portugal Golden Visa 2024 Updates

As the global landscape shifts, so does the allure of the Portugal Golden Visa. This prestigious program has long been a magnet for international investors, and while its core appeal remains, the avenues to achieve it have evolved. The most notable change in 2023 was is the pivot away from real estate investments, redirecting the focus towards Eligible Investment Funds, with a spotlight on Private Equity Funds PEFs).


Private Equity Funds – PEFs): The New Frontier

Introduced in 2017, PEFs emerged as an innovative alternative for the Portugal Golden Visa Program. Their popularity has skyrocketed, now accounting for an impressive almost 30% of all applications. This surge is particularly evident among North American investors. The Blue Portugal, with its deep-rooted expertise in this sector, stands as a beacon for investors, illuminating the path through the intricacies of PEFs investments.


Diving Deeper: What Makes Eligible Investment Funds Stand Out?

  • Diverse Opportunities: Investors have the luxury to spread their investments not just within a single fund but across a plethora of Eligible Investment Funds.
  • Guided by the Best: These funds are stewarded by industry veterans whose strategies often surpass the returns of individual investors.
  • Tax Incentives: The income from these funds enjoys a tax-free status. Moreover, non-residents can relish tax-free income, except for those hailing from “tax havens.”
  • Robust Oversight: The Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) rigorously regulates PEFs in Portugal. This ensures that the funds operate with utmost transparency and align with European financial benchmarks.
  • Regular Checks: Top-tier external auditors, predominantly from the “big five,” consistently review these funds, ensuring their credibility.
  • Safety First: Each fund is tied to a depositary bank, which provides both custodial services and oversight.
  • Investment Baseline: Those eyeing the Portugal Golden Visa through the fund investment route must make a minimum investment of €500,000 in Eligible Investment Funds.


Deciphering the Shift from Real Estate:

The exclusion of direct real estate investments from the Portugal Golden Visa program might seem drastic. However, it’s pivotal to understand the nuances. While funds centered on refurbishing real estate for subsequent sale or lease will no longer qualify, those investing in sectors like tourism, agriculture, elderly care, and student housing remain in the game. These sectors inherently rely on real estate infrastructure. Furthermore, traditional PEFs that channel investments into SMEs or startups across a myriad of sectors are still very much part of the Portugal Golden Visa narrative.


The Unwavering Dedication of The Blue Portugal:

The Blue Portugal’s mission transcends beyond mere investment guidance. With a team that boasts illustrious financial careers spanning various continents, we’ve forged invaluable connections with Portugal’s influential figures in the investment domain. Our commitment to continuous learning ensures that our clientele is always equipped with the most precise and current information to make informed decisions.


‍Questions and Answers

These are frequently asked questions and answers about the Visa D9 Golden Visa

The applicants should be non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens that have a regular passive income that provides the means to subsist in Portugal.

The investment can be in funds, cultural heritage or financial assets like deposits and bonds.

The lowest thresholds are 250 thousand Euros for cultural heritage and 500 thousand Euros for funds.

The first residency card will be issued for 2 years. The second residency card will be issued for 3 years. After 5 years can apply for permanent residency or citizenship. 

The holder of a D7 residence permit is entitled to:

  1. Access to the Portuguese National Health.
  2. Access to the Portuguese National Education.
  3. Exercise of any work activity as an independent professional.
  4. Access to the Non-Habitual Tax Residence scheme with very favorable tax benefits.
  5. Family reunification, allowing spouse, dependents, and parents to live in Portugal.
  6. Apply for permanent residency or citizenship after 5 years of residency.
  7. Visa-free entry in the Schengen countries.

The procedure is to present to the Immigration Authorities Office (SEF) the resident permit application.

  • Visa application form.
  • Passport and a copy.
  • Valid criminal record certificate. 
  • Marriage certificate in case the applicant wants to include the spouse.
  • Birth certificate in case the applicant wants to include the children.
  • Proof of the investment, including a declaration from the bank.

The holders of the Golden Visa have a minimal stay requirement. They need to stay in Portugal 14 days, consecutive or non-consecutive, for each 2-year period.

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Portugal Golden Visa

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